Rose Luangisa welcomed longtime supporters, guests and potential new friends during the one-day-long festivities ranging from African Artifacts, Fashion and East African Food Tasting plus an emporium full of irresistible shopping.
Food Tasting Event: Authentic East African Cuisine
With Taste of East Africa in Westchester, our core mission is to highlight and enhance the essential experience of African culture through Art, East African Food, Fashion, Peace, Love, History, and, Tradition says Rose Luangisa.
Celebrating 22 years of showcasing beautiful art, jewelry and fabulous handcrafted treasures from Tanzania to cities across the United States, Luangisa African Gallery hosted an Authentic East African Cuisine Food Tasting Event on December 8th, 2018, 12 PM at 374 Hawthorne Terrace, Mount Vernon, NY 10552.